סנהדרין – Sanhedrin
Two problems with Shmuel’s Jewish calendar.
Sanhedrin 45 ~ Stoning and the Height of a Lethal Fall
Judicial execution and the lethal height from falling.
Sanhedrin 56-60 ~ Stoning the Blasphemer, and Blasphemy Laws Today
Be careful what you say. Today, about 40% of all countries have laws against blasphemy.
Sanhedrin 63b ~ The Fireproof Salamander
An ancient belief and its modern expression.
Sanhedrin 69b ~ The Youngest Mother in the World
She was five years old. The mother of King Solomon was only six.
Sanhedrin 78a ~ Where Do Snakes Store Their Venom?
Homicide by snake bite? Rabbi Yehuda and the Sages disagreed. But the Sages were correct.
Sanhedrin 87a ~ How High is Jerusalem?
Not as high as the rabbis thought.
Sanhedrin 91 ~ Spontaneous Generation
Everyone believed in it until Pasteur’s demonstration.
Sanhedrin 107a ~ Blushing, Shame, and Humiliation
Jews should blush. Everyone should. It is a vital for any ethically sound society.