Blog: Science in the Talmud

אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל

הַנְּתוּנִים בַּצָּרָה וּבַשִּׁבְיָה

הָעוֹמְדִים בֵּין בַּיָּם וּבֵין בַּיַּבָּשָׁה

הַמָּקוֹם יְרַחֵם עֲלֵיהֶם

וְיוֹצִיאֵם מִצָּרָה לִרְוָחָה

וּמֵאֲפֵלָה לְאוֹרָה

וּמִשִּׁעְבּוּד לִגְאֻלָּה

הָשָׁתָא בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב

Nazir 4b ~ A Real Nazir

נזיר ד,ב

אמר שמעון הצדיק מימי לא אכלתי אשם נזיר טמא חוץ מאדם אחד שבא אלי מן הדרום יפה עינים וטוב רואי וקווצותיו סדורות לו תלתלים אמרתי לו בני מה ראית לשחת שער נאה זה אמר לי רועה הייתי לאבי בעירי והלכתי לשאוב מים מן המעיין ונסתכלתי בבבואה שלי ופחז יצרי עלי וביקש לטורדני מן העולם אמרתי לו ריקה מפני מה אתה מתגאה בעולם שאינו שלך שסופך להיות רמה ותולע העבודה שאגלחך לשמי' עמדתי ונשקתיו על ראשו אמרתי לו כמותך ירבו נזירים בישראל עליך הכתוב אומר איש כי יפליא לנדור נדר נזיר להזיר לה

Shimon the Zaddik said: In my entire life, I ate of the guilt-offering of a defiled nazirite only once. [Shimon was afraid that those who vowed to become a Nazir did so for the wrong reasons, and so he would refuse to eat from the sacrifices they brought.]  This man [whose sincerity was beyond question] came to me from the south; he had beautiful eyes and handsome features with his locks heaped into curls. I said to him: 'Why, my son, did you destroy such wonderful hair?' He answered: 'In my town I was my father's shepherd, and when I went to draw water from a well  I used to gaze at my reflection [in its waters]. Then my evil inclination took over me, and tried to banish me from the world [in the pursuit of sin].  I said to my evil inclination: "Empty one! Why are you conceited in a world that is not yours,  where your end is with worms and maggots. I swear I shall shave my hair for the glory of Heaven!"' [Shimon the Zaddik continued:] Then I stood, and kissed his head and said to him: 'May there be more nazarites like you in Israel. It is about a person like you that the verse (Numbers 6:2) says: "When a man shall clearly utter a vow, the vow of a nazirite to consecrate himself unto the Lord." (Nazir 4b.)

The tractate we are now studying, Nazir, contains the discussions and laws that apply to a man or woman who makes a vow of asceticism, and become a Nazarite. For as long as the vow is in place, such a person is forbidden to drink wine (or consume any grape products,) must not come in contact with the dead, and must not cut his (or her) hair.  At the end of the period of Nezirut, several offerings are brought  to the Temple in Jerusalem.  It's all rather theoretical, but ascetics are still found today, and a Nazir lived in Jerusalem and died less than fifty years ago.  

In 2007 Yehuda Bitty wrote a PhD thesis on the work of David Hacohen (1887-1972), who was better known as The Nazir, because of a life of asceticism he had followed.  The thesis, "Philosophy and Kabbalah in the Thought of Rabbi David Cohen," is a study of Hacohen's work קול הנבואה (The Voice of Prophecy) and gives us an insight into the teachings of the Nazir. (Another paper describing the work of Hacohen was published in Tradition. You can find it here.)

David Hacohen - The Nazir

David Hacohen as a young nazirצילום: מכון נזר דוד

David Hacohen as a young nazir

צילום: מכון נזר דוד

David Hacohen was born into a rabbinic family near  Vilna in 1887 and was given a traditional education in the local cheder and various Yeshivot (including Volozhin and Slobodka). Hacohen read secular works too - as a student Volozhin ("they did not damage me or my studies") and later he made a point of learning Russian grammar and of reading some works of the maskilim.  In 1909 he made his way to the newly opened academy of Baron David Ginzburg (d. 1910) in Saint Petersburg, where  he was exposed to courses in history, the philosophy of world religions, and near eastern religious ethics, to name but a few.  But his heart was set on traditional Jewish works, and he returned to the Bet Midrash, though he continued to study secular books and later spent time at the University of Freiburg where he studied philosophy. 

I am a Jew, and the traditional education in the old Bet Midrash, whose spirit I have absorbed to my inner core, me great happiness. All my previous work has been as if in a hallway, leading me, slowly, back to the old the Bet Midrash
— David Hacohen. Hamenahel. p58

Bitty's PhD notes that sometime around 1920 he started to exhibit ascetic tendencies: he avoided contact with others, and he abstained from eating meat (which is not a requirement of a Nazir) and stopped cutting his hair.  His lack of sleep and food caused him to be hospitalized, but he did not  waver in his decision.  "Little by little" wrote Bitty (p128) " he separated himself more and more from worldly matters, and began to feel a contradiction between the world and himself. "Later, he would fast on a regular basis, he stopped wearing leather shoes, and he completely refrained from speaking for forty days before Yom Kippur, all of this, apparently, in an effort to obtain the gift of prophecy...

In 1919 David Hacohen attended a conference in Switzerland organized by  Agudas Yisrael, (The World Congress of Ultra-Orthodox Organizations), in order to meet Rabbi Avraham Isaac Kook (a meeting that was recently described in detail here). Hacohen was quickly won round to the mystical Rav Kook and his equally mystical interpretations of the fledgling zionist movement.  

והנה בקר השכם ואשמע קול צעדים הנה והנה, בברכות
השחר, תפלת העקדה, בשיר וניגון עליון, משמי שמי קדם, ‘וזכר לנו אהבת קדמונים’, ואקשיב, והנה נהפכתי והייתי לאיש אחר. אחרי התפלה, מהרתי לבשר במכתב, כי יותר מאשר פללתי מצאתי, מצאתי לי רב
“The morning came and I heard footsteps pacing here and there, the morning blessings, the akedah recital, in such a lofty song, from the primordial heavens, recalling the love of our ancestors. I listened, and I was transformed and became a new and different man. After these prayers, I hurried to write down that I had found more than which I had prayed for—I had found a Rebbe.”
— David Hacohen, Introduction to Orot Hakodesh (Jerusalem 1985).

David Hacohen later settled in Israel and became a lifelong student of Rav Kook, whose work he later edited. Hacohen had two children: a daughter Tzipia, who married Shlomo Goren, (later the Chief Rabbi of the IDF and, even later, Chief Rabbi of Israel) and a son, Shea'ar Yishuv Cohen, who served as Chief Rabbi of Haifa.

It was in Jerusalem that a young Reform rabbi named Herbert Weiner (d. 2013) interviewed The Nazir. Weiner described that meeting in a his classic book Nine and a Half Mystics; The Kabbalah Today (Collier Books New York, 1969.) 

...there was something cherubic about the Nazir's appearance.  Although no-longer young, his bespectacled blue eyes had an open childlike expression...Long locks of his gray-blond hair reached down to the shoulders of his red bathrobe and a bushy beard framed his long thin face.  

The Nazir on Science

Weiner tried to coax the Nazir into revealing a mystical teaching, and, somewhat reluctantly, the Nazir agreed. It is fascinating to read what the Nazir taught, because he described the difference between Judaism and western science:

Shema- come hear...the logic that is based on the sense of hearing rather than seeing, that is what characterizes our teaching.  And do you know what the Greek word theoria, 'theory' comes from? Is is derived from the Greek word theatric. Theory, in Western philosophy, connotes then, what can be seen, visualized, beheld.  But the Hebrew way of apprehending truth is based on acoustical sense.  "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One." "Speak unto the Children of Israel..." Does the gentleman understand the difference between the Hebrew and the non-Jewish, Western way of perceiving truth? The latter wants to identify truth with what can be conceptualized, seen - either in the mind or in a bodily sense.  To the Jew, identification of truth with that which can be seen is the beginning of idolatry. Do you understand? 

Weiner confesses that "I was not sure that I did fully understand the rabbi's point."  Yehuda Mirsky's recent biography of Rav Kook (p.189) notes a similar reaction from the great academic scholar of Kabbalah, Gershon Scholem:

Scholem also made the acquaintance of Ha-Nazir, who left a deep impression on him, saying, "I had thought there were no more Kabbalists, and here in Jerusalem there walked a living Kabbalist, creating Kabbalah in our times."  Yet, Scholem added, "All my efforts to get to the bottom of his thinking came to naught."

Apparently, Hacohen's work is very difficult to understand. For many of us, his lifestyle choice was was perhaps no less difficult to comprehend.  He chose a path of asceticism which, like the shepherd in today's daf, seems to have been a calling he had to follow.  But his choice was one of which Maimonides would have approved.  Echoing the passage from today's page of Talmud, Maimonides wrote that one who undertakes to become a nazir for the wrong motives is called a רשע -wicked- but 

one who undertakes a vow to God through a path of purity is called "pleasant" and "praiseworthy" and about such a person the Torah wrote "...for the crown of his God is upon his head...he is holy to the Lord" (Numbers 6:7-8). And the text equates such a person with being a prophet, as it is written "And I raised up your sons for prophets and your young men for nezirim." (Amos 2:11) (משנה תורה הל׳ נזירות 10:14).



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Nedarim, Vows and Curses

Today we reach the end of the tractate Nedarim, which featured many in-depth discussions on the meaning of words and how they are to be taken seriously. So seriously do we take the concern of inadvertently vowing to do something and then failing do follow through, that the very first words of the Yom Kippur service, Kol Nidre, are a nullification of any and all future vows that may be uttered over the coming year. It has become part of Jewish tradition that on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, a ceremonial “release from vows” - hatarat nedarim - is performed.This much is familiar to most readers of Talmudology. But how many are familiar with another ceremony, this one called hatarat klallot - the nullification not of vows, but of curses?

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Marrakesh.

Hatarat Klallot in Marrakesh

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to accompany a group of students from Yeshiva University’s Sacks-Herenstein Center for Values and Leadership on a trip to Morocco. It was while we were volunteering to help restore the Jewish Cemetery that one of the students found several printed leaves titled “Hatarat Klallot” in the community geniza, With the permission of the authorities, the student and I took several of these texts as souvenirs of a sort. But they are much more than that.

As you can see form the text above, the ceremony closely follows the language and style of the much more familiar hatarot nedarim that is performed to this day. But instead of announcing our regret at having vowed and then failing to follow through, hatarot klallot asks us to be released from any curses that others may have placed on us, or that we placed on others.

The text appears to have been composed by Rabbi Chaim Yossef David Azulai, better known by his acronym as the Chida (1724-1806) and may be found in his Tziporen Shamir. The Chida was born in Jerusalem from Moroccan ancestors, and while he was a noted talmudist, his world view was profoundly shaped by the Jewish mystical tradition, known as Kabbalah. Here are the opening words of his Hatarat Klallot (there are various versions), which is recited in front of three others who serve as a makeshift court:

We ask your honors to release us from any curses or rebukes, or forbidden things, or bad dreams and their bad interpretations, and any judgements against us, or any opportunity for bad things to occur, and any harsh or evil decrees, and all evil eyes that may have been cast against us or against any members of our households…

And the acting judges reply:

In the name of the heavenly court and in the name of the earthly court we hereby release you…from the effect of any curse or ill will or evil or any vow or any promise [made against you]…There is no longer any rebuke or any harmful phrase or witchcraft or nightmare or an evil interpretation of dreams. There is to be no trial [of you], there is no opportunity for evil, there are no bad strange thoughts or evil daydreams [against you]. There are no evil decrees, there is no evil eye cast by a man and none cast by a woman. There is no evil eye cast by those who hate you or those who love you. They are all annulled and decreed to be ineffective, as useless as a piece of broken pottery, a thing of no material substance. All types of evil eye are hereby removed from you and from your homes and are cast into the depths of the ocean…

The Chida wrote that this was to be recited before Rosh Hashanah, but if you look carefully at the small print at the top of the image you will read:

It is the custom to say this in the Jerusalem synagogues of Bet El… and in those from the west [i.e. Morocco] every Friday before Shabbat

Presumably this was also a widespread custom in Morocco itself, or at least in Marrakech, where we found a dozen or so of these printed sheets in the geniza.

As we close Nedarim let us pause to remember the power of words to commit, their power to release, their power to curse, and their power to reassure that the future will be bright.

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Nedarim 80~ Rabbi Yossi on Bathing and Laundry

Today, we take a deep dive into baths.

נדרים דף עט, א - פא, א 

ואלו נדרים שהוא מפר, דברים שיש בהן ענוי נפש: אם ארחץ ואם לא ארחץ ...אלא דאמרה הנאת רחיצה עלי לעולם אם ארחץ היום, ורבי יוסי סבר: ניוול דחד יומא לא שמיה ניוול

מעיין של בני העיר, חייהן וחיי אחרים - חייהן קודמין לחיי אחרים, בהמתם ובהמת אחרים  בהמתם קודמת לבהמת אחרים, כביסתן וכביסת אחרים - כביסתן קודמת לכביסת אחרים, חיי אחרים וכביסתן - חיי אחרים קודמין לכביסתן, רבי יוסי אומר: כביסתן קודמת לחיי אחרים

כביסה אלימא לר' יוסי, דאמר שמואל: האי ערבוביתא דרישא מתיא לידי עוירא, ערבוביתא דמאני מתיא לידי שעמומיתא, ערבוביתא דגופא מתיא לידי שיחני וכיבי


These are the vows [made by a wife] that a husband may revoke: matters that involve self-afflction. For example [a wife made a vow] "If I bathe and if I do not bathe..."

What could this mean? She said The pleasure of bathing is forbidden to me forever if I bathe today. And Rabbi Yossi believes that not bathing for one day is not called repugnance...

If a spring belonged to townspeople, [but it does not supply the needs of everyone, whose needs take precedence?] When it is a question of their own lives or the lives of strangers, their own lives take precedence;  the lives of their cattle or the cattle of strangers - their cattle take precedence over those of strangers; their laundering or that of strangers - their laundering takes precedence over that of strangers. But if the choice lies between the lives of strangers and their own laundering, the lives of the strangers take precedence over their own laundering. R. Yossi ruled: Their laundering takes precedence over the lives of strangers...

[The discomfort of not laundering clothes is greater than that of not bathing] according to Rabbi Yossi, as Shmuel taught: filth on the head leads to blindness, dirty clothes leads to dementia, not bathing leads to boils and sores...

Clean Body, Clean Clothes

The passage on today's page in the Talmud seeks to understand the Mishnah (learned yesterday) which taught that a husband may annul his wife's vow if it would interfere with her bathing regime and hence cause her to become, well, smelly and unattractive.  In contrast to this, Rabbi Yossi (a student of Rabbi Akivah and who lived in Israel in the second century CE.) taught that this vow cannot be annulled since he understands that it only prevents her from bathing for a single day - and this brief abstinence does not cause her to become repugnant in her husband's eyes.  In tomorrow's daf the analysis is completed when it is discovered that Rabbi Yossi, while not seeming to be bothered by a lack of one day of bathing, was indeed very bothered by a lack of clean laundry.  How bothered? Well, if it's your water and you only have enough to clean your own laundry or to give an outsider a life sustaining drink, guess who is going to be wearing some clean clothes! Rabbi Yossi was so bothered by dirty clothes that he valued them over life itself (so long as that life was not your own). It seems rather odd, does it not, for Rabbi Yossi to allow a wife to do without bathing for a day and yet hold clean clothing to be really important? To answer this, we need to dive in to the history of bathing.

Jewish, Roman and Early Christian Bathing Habits

The Talmud is replete with statements that emphasize the importance of daily bathing.  A תלמיד חכם (scholar) is forbidden to live in a town that does not have at least one bathhouse, and Hillel the Elder taught his students that going to wash in the bathhouse was a מצוה, since there was a responsibility to care for the human body, created as it was in the very image of God. Hillel seems to have left a cleanliness legacy in his family: his grandson, Rabban Gamliel (who lived in the early part of the first century CE.) was so in need of bathing that he allowed himself to wash on the first night after his wife died - an act that was understood to be forbidden.  In the Jerusalem Talmud, the precedent of Rabban Gamliel is further analyzed. When a rabbi developed boils during his period of mourning (which the Talmud assumes was due to a lack of washing) a certain Rabbi Yassa allowed him to wash immediately - "for otherwise he could die." Rabbi Yassa extended his ruling to allow bathing on (wait for it...) Tisha Be'Av and Yom Kippur - so long as the bathing was to alleviate discomfort rather than for pleasure.   

The famous Greek physician Hippocrates, (died c. 370 BC) wrote about the healing power of warm (and very cold) baths.  But as Katherine Ashenburg wrote in The Dirt on Clean, her definitive (and very readable) history of bathing, "...while the Greeks appreciated water...the Romans adored it."  The Roman desire of cleanliness and their culture of bathing is of course well known to anyone who has visited a Roman ruin in Israel, Italy or elsewhere. The focus on bathing seems to have changed with the fall of the Roman empire and the rise of Christianity. Ashenburg explains that since the first Christians were Jews, a way of distinguishing themselves was to ignore the Jewish laws of ritual purity, which involved so much hand washing and body dipping.  Although ritual purity is not the same as cleanliness, the two became linked, and with the opposition to the Jewish rules of ritual cleanliness, there rose a Christian opposition to bathing.  In the middle ages, some monastic orders allowed only three baths a year, "but monks whose holiness trumped cleanliness could decline any or all baths."

Jesus’ indifference to ritual purity accorded with what later became a wider Christian distrust or neglect of the body.
— Katherine Ashenburg. The Dirt on Clean (North Point Press 2007) p 54.

What few bathhouses there were in medieval Europe were closed during the years of the Great Plague, since the best science of the day taught that heat and water created openings on the skin, through which the plague would enter. Here, for example is Ambroise Pare (c. 1510- 1590) who served as surgeon to four French kings: 

They must close the public hot baths, because on leaving them the muscles and the general tone of the body are relaxed, and the pores are open, and so the vapour of the plague can readily enter the body and cause death at once; there are many cases of this kind.

 "Sadly,” noted Ashenburg “the best medical advice of the day probably doomed many people, for the dirtier people were, the more likely they were to harbor Pulex irritants, the flea now believed to have carried the plague bacillus from rats to humans."

As I point out in my new book on Jews and pandemics, bathing was also frowned upon by eastern European Jews in the 1900s.

According to a Jewish doctor from Wolozyn (now Valozhyn, Belarus), who collected folk curios in the course of his work in the field, it was common practice to avoid changing a patient’s sheets, underwear, and clothing; and washing them with clean water (even wiping their face), and even the use of a cold compresses, would be forbidden. There was no question of opening a window or giving the patient a bath . . . Similar precautions were taken in the room where a woman lay in confinement; moreover, her bed linen would not be changed for four weeks (until her next ritual immersion). The foul air in such rooms was thought to be evidence of the presence of the forces of evil and the struggle against sickness as a demonic being.

Eilizabeth I of England bathed once a month, as she said, “whether I need it or not.” But the seventeenth century raised the bar: it was spectacularly, even defiantly dirty. Elizabeth’s successor, James I, reportedly washed only his fingers, The body odor of Henri IV of France (1553-1610) was notorious, as was that of this son Louis XIII. He boasted, “I take after my father, I smell of armpits”.
— Ashenburg. The Dirt on Clean. p99.

Clean Linens and Rabbi Yossi

While washing the body was generally avoided in seventeenth century Europe, clean clothes were most certainly demanded, especially among the middle and upper classes.  "Clean linen" writes Ashenburg, "was not a substitute for washing the body with water - it was better than that, safer, more reliable and based on scientific principles." And here perhaps is an echo of the position of Rabbi Yossi in today's page of Talmud.  To be clear: Rabbi Yossi was not arguing that bathing was not important - rather he argued about the length of time a person could forgo a bath and not become "repulsive" to a spouse.  But his emphasis on the need for laundered and clean clothes is striking.  The Talmud (Nedarim 81a) relates Rabbi Yossi's concerns to a teaching of the physician ShmuelFilth on the head leads to blindness, dirty clothes leads to dementia, and not bathing leads to boils and sores..." According to Rabbenu Nissim, (a fourteenth century commentator known by his acronym as the Ran), the first and third of these conditions may be cured - but not the dementia caused by dirty clothes. That's why Rabbi Yossi claimed that the water needed to do the laundry was so important.  Here's the text of the Ran:

כשגופו מזוהם שאינו רוחץ תמיד מביאו לידי שיחנא וכיבי אבעבועות המכאיבות ולאלו יש רפואות אבל שעמום קשה מהן אלמא כביסה אלימא מרחיצה

Bathing and Healing

In a 2002 a review of the history of spa therapies was published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseasesthe authors noted that several randomised controlled trials had studied the effects of spa therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis but that "definite judgment about its efficacy is impossible because of methodological flaws in these studies." However, "...overall, the results showed positive effects lasting for three to nine months. Recently, a randomised controlled trial has shown that spa therapy is clearly effective in ankylosing spondylitis. Two intervention groups followed a three week course of spa therapy at two different spa resorts, and were compared with a control group who stayed at home and continued standard treatment consisting of anti-inflammatory drugs and weekly group physical therapy. Significant improvements in function, pain, global wellbeing, and morning stiffness were found for both intervention groups until nine months after spa therapy." 

Bathing - and clean clothes - are social customs that have changed and changed again over time. We  know of no evidence to support Rabbi Yossi's link between dementia and clean clothes, but at other times and on other cultures clean clothes were indeed valued far beyond a clean body.  And today, bathing and doing the laundry still seem like rather good ideas.

Throughout the ages the interest in the use of water in medicine has fluctuated from century to century and from nation to nation. The (medical) world has viewed it with different opinions, from very enthusiastic to extremely critical, and from beneficial to harmful. Today, spa therapy is receiving renewed attention from many medical specialties and health tourists, and having a revival. However, the exact therapeutic potential of spa therapy still remains largely unknown. Better and more profound scientific evidence for its efficacy is therefore warranted, in particular for its effects on the musculo-skeletal system.
— van Tubergen and van der Linden. A Brief History of Spa Therapy. Ann Rheum Dis 2002;61:275
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